Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ross Oviatt Is Falsely Accused by Gianelli of Sending Uncosncionable Emails to me ...

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: This is the so called "drone-Valentine's Day Card" that Kelley Lynch emailed to Sandra Jo Streeter
To: MollyHale <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, Washington Field <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, OIGCOMPL OIGCOMPL <>, MEDIA RELATIONS PIO <>, chaleffg <>, Vivienne Swanigan <>, rbyucaipa <>, Robert MacMillan <>, moseszzz <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, "Hoffman, Rand" <>, Mick Brown <>, Glenn Greenwald <>, lrohter <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, khuvane <>, blourd <>, Francisco Suarez <>,, Mario Lara <>, Ross Oviatt <>, Tyler Paxton <>

Hi Ross,

The City Attorney wants to put me in jail over the Valentine card I sent you.  They are criminals, Ross.  Major retaliation. 

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
Hello Mario,

I know - you thought the card was cute.  You don't have MOTIVE.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
Hello DOJ,
Maybe Garcetti has an answer.
All the best,

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the CIA,

It is about the drone card.  Do you think Streeter was subjectively fearful?  No one in reality does.  They think she's a liar who belongs in prison.  Gianelli sent this to Paulette Brandt two minutes ago.

All the best

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paulette Brandt <>
Date: Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:21 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: This is the so called "drone-Valentine's Day Card" that Kelley Lynch emailed to Sandra Jo Streeter
To: Kelley Lynch <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 3:20 AM
Subject: Fw: This is the so called "drone-Valentine's Day Card" that Kelley Lynch emailed to Sandra Jo Streeter
To: Paulette Brandt <>

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:57
To: blind
Subject: This is the so called "drone-Valentine's Day Card" that Kelley Lynch emailed to Sandra Jo Streeter

This is the so called “drone-Valentine’s Day Card” that Kelley Lynch emailed to Sandra Jo Streeter but thinks Streeter is “lying” about when she says she found the card threatening:

“You’ve made my kill list” removes any ambiguity in “I’m taking you out”.

Of course, only a random public affairs officer with the CIA would know if Streeter, who BTW prosecuted Kelley and sent her to jail for making emailed death threats to the victim, was subjectively fearful when she received this card.  


From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:04 PM
Subject: Ross Oviatt Letter
To: Ray Lawrence <>

From: Ross Oviatt <>
Date: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: EDD hearing
To: Kelley Lynch <>

I am writing this statement to corroborate and give credence to Kelley Lynch's claims for unemployment as a result of wrongful termination. I declare the following information to be a truthful and accurate account of the events leading up to and surrounding our termination from Grassroots Campaigns, Inc. I worked with Kelley as a field manager for the company from June 2011 through January 2012. Kelley and I were among the top earners for campaigns ranging from the ACLU to Amnesty international, and had considerable influence in keeping office morale up, and in creating a culture of social cohesiveness between employees.

Kelley dutifully performed her job above and beyond expectations, enduring enormous amounts of physical and psychological stress in pursuit of an altruistic solution to the socio-political problems plaguing our society. I know her to be a person of outstanding integrity, whose conduct stems from both virtue and scruple. The events leading up to and surrounding the termination were as follows:
Kelley and I spent the day fundraising in pleasant hill, which proved to be an extremely demoralizing experience for both of us. After having homophobic epithets and vociferous, myopic rhetoric hurled at us, we left "turf" in a state of apprehension and despondency. Also a pressing issue in the matter was that our wages were contingent on funds raised that were averaged against the office average. A poor day such as the one we had could have drastic fiscal impacts in the personal lives of GCI employees.

Upon returning to Berkeley early as a result of low traffic conditions, we noted that we had failed to take our break amidst our frenzied attempts to perform well in a highly hostile environment. We decided that since we had the time to spare, we would sit down for some food. Kelley proceeded to drink ONE beer, which we had never been instructed was against policy and figured was acceptable because we were no longer in uniform, had finished canvassing for the day, and were entitled legally to a 10 minute break. Shortly thereafter, we entered the office to debrief and do our cash-out. After discerning that an alcoholic beverage had been consumed, Tyler instructed Kelley and I that we were to be placed on temporary suspension through tuesday, whereupon we would be allowed to come back to work. After Tyler conferred with his superior, Dan Doubet, we were then told to come in on tuesday afternoon, where we were taken aback at the revelation that we were being laid off; the news came as a complete shock to the both of us.

I would also like to testify to the horrid working conditions we were placed under and my certain inference that Kelley and I were seen as liabilities to the company- Simply put, we were seen as obstacles in the path of the company's unbridled corporate malfeasance. Myself and several other employees faced relentless sexual and verbal harassment from one Tomas Moreno, our superior, and only after months and months of pleas that fell largely on Doubet's deaf ears did they take any steps whatsoever to resolve the situation. Kelley took the initiative and showed great concern in encouraging me to speak out about the abhorrent behavior we were subjected to in the office. Her encouragement and counsel were instrumental in combating the grievous abuse that was taking place, and Dan Doubet was well aware of the ramifications of the entire situation.  I was frequently bombarded with homophobic sentiment from this director, was harshly criticized, emotionally belittled and constantly forced to weather a slew of vitriolic language. After noting to the management that these were severely unacceptable working conditions and that performance was being affected drastically, Dan Doubet reluctantly agreed to address the issue and terminate the offender's employment with the company. That is where my status as a liability for the company comes in- notwithstanding the fact that my car was put out of commission by the relentless travel to destinations up to 80 miles away, for which i never received adequate compensation

Kelley was seen as a liability as well, as a direct result of an incident involving her health on turf in Montclair. After enduring harsh weather conditions and the psychological stress created by GCI, Kelley collapsed as a direct result of dehydration and sun stroke. Having been forced to stand in intense sunlight with no shade for the majority of the day, she was taken to a nearby emergency room- thus creating a potential problem for the company from a legal perspective. GCI has a long history of employee abuse and routinely takes advantage of  philanthropic, altrustic individuals. We were paid based on an incredulous and unfair commissions scale against the office average, and even top performers were living hand to mouth throughout the duration of my employment there.

I firmly believe that it was a fortuitous time for the management to rid themselves of two people whom they saw as potential liabilities to the company. Kelley is an upstanding woman who is most certainly entitled to unemployment benefits given the extenuating circumstances of the situation.
signed, Ross Oviatt

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