Saturday, January 11, 2014

Email Stating That Kelley Lynch Should Be Murdered, Raped, Commit Suicide; Oliver Stone Slandered; Unconscionable Accusations

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 1:35 PM
Subject: Re:
To: Washington Field <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, ASKDOJ <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, OIGCOMPL OIGCOMPL <>, MEDIA RELATIONS PIO <>, chaleffg <>, Vivienne Swanigan <>, Douglas Penick <>, "van.penick" <>, rbyucaipa <>, Robert MacMillan <>, moseszzz <>, a <>, wennermedia <>, "Hoffman, Rand" <>, Mick Brown <>, woodwardb <>, Glenn Greenwald <>, lrohter <>, Harriet Ryan <>, "hailey.branson" <>, info <>, "" <>, mlbornma <>

 Streeter:  Do you think it’s annoying -- would be annoying to Mr. Cohen?  Lynch:  Why would Mr. Cohen accuse me of having sex with his tax lawyer and Oliver Stone and be annoyed?  It seems like I should be annoyed since he lied.  (RT 510)

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the IRS and FBI,
Streeter said it's the second transcript.  I'll review that and correct the incoherent transcription.  It may have been intentional.  I don't know.  I wouldn't anything past these people, for lack of a better word and that word is PEOPLE.  I think these are ANIMALS.  Animals who targeted my sons - including SANDRA JO STREETER. 
All the best,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 1:33 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the IRS and FBI,
This is no excuse.  Cohen and Kory attempted to stir up a custody matter while attempting to bribe me and force me into a deal I believe was illegal.  Wow.  I had an explanation.  What a luantic.  This annoyed Leonard Cohen.  I want Oliver to be very clear about what the Los Angeles City Attorney uses taxpayer dollars to target innocent women and her sons.  As I just said on my message to Dunn - repeatedly asking me and Cohen about his being annoyed is NOT the law.  I had to want to annoy Cohen.  Streeter intentionally decieived the jurors and no one seems to know what I was actually charged with.  She wanted to know if I think Cohen's LYING about me and Oliver Stone in an attempt to stir up a custody matter annoyed Leonard Cohen.  So, this woman is a pathetic liar with motive and I want Oliver to understand this.  I've already sent him a number of documents, including Ann Diamond's article. 

All the best,

Streeter:  She admits that all of this was her handiwork.  She admits that the first transcript, that was her voice.  The second transcript, that was her voice.  (RT 560)  Did you say “I f$%ed Oliver Stone OR other similar words?  And she had an explanation.  Well, I did  it because of this.  (RT 561)

Lynch:  Because he went into my son’s father’s office and said I had sex with Oliver Stone.  Streeter:  Okay.  So you remember saying that, right?  Lynch:  Because he went into my son’s father’s office and -- after we parted ways, and said I had sex with Oliver Stone, which I did not Streeter:  Do you think that’s annoying?  Lynch:  No, I think it’s outrageous that he would go in and lie about that.  (RT 509)  Streeter:  Do you think it’s annoying -- would be annoying to Mr. Cohen?  Lynch:  Why would Mr. Cohen accuse me of having sex with his tax lawyer and Oliver Stone and be annoyed?  It seems like I should be annoyed since he lied.  (RT 510)

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 1:25 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
P.S.  My mother definitely thinks the FBI or LAPD, etc. should investigate all of this.  She's not a lying moron with MOTIVE.  She also knows - this is related to Phil Spector's matter and Cohen's tax fraud.  And, she knows that I own the intellectual property and Cohen owes me millions.  She thinks Streeter is insane.  An insane liar.   

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the IRS and FBI,
I am on the phone with my mother.  I read her parts of this email and it shocks her.  My mother's declaration (for probation and the writ) will address the fact that she has been in touch with me constantly (except when I was homeless and not permitted to leave California - per fraudulent court order in the custody matter that was coordinated) AND 1) I am not an alcoholic and never have been; 2) I have NO mental health issues; 3) I was a great mother and was never abusive (my parents were with me and my children CONSTANTLY and they see right through Cohen and Lindsey); 4) I was NEVER in a dating relationship with Leonard Cohen.  In the mid-to-;late 80s, I was involved with Douglas Penick; had rarely ever seen or met Cohen, and married Douglas in 1988.  We then moved to Los Angeles.  Cohen was involved with DeMornay.  My mothers thinks the allegations of domestic violence are RIDICULOUS.  She cannot imagine this.  Paulette has known me for over 15 years and knows that all of this is true as well.  And, my mother knows - I was ONLY Cohen's PERSONAL MANAGER. 
All the best,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the FBI,

One last point for now:  I was very clear with Jeff Dunn.  There is criminal negligence in Rutger's Whole Foods matter.  He wasn't distracted.  He wasn't trained.  My father pointed this out immediately.  He wasn't permitted on the machine.  The Killer King incident was used against him.  I now have a scanner and Paulette is bringing back my documents.  Every single document I have will be scanned and sent to the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, FTB, and Dennis Riordan.  People think this evidence is incriminating and people want it destroyed.  A lot of it has been given scanned and sent to the IRS.  I spent months doing that in 2005.  The depositions in Rutger's matter prove criminal negligence.  This issue has been raised by the City Attorney and now in this email and I intend to sue LA County over their false accusations regarding my son's fingers.  Leonard Cohen owes me millions.  Streeter's  a liar.  In any event, the FBI is now going to see the evidence re. criminal negligence in Rutger's Whole Foods matter.  The machine was broken for two years.  The guard was removed, without Rutger's knowledge, approximately three weeks before he was on the machine and an individual was told to REMOVE IT FROM THE FLOOR and tell the customers that they don't serve ground meat.  Whole Foods lawyers attempted to argue that his fingers weren't further processed and they lost the parts.  Rutger's lawyers raised spoliation as an issue.  I think this is a federal matter.  Whole Foods had safety inspectors go into stores around the country after Rutger's incident, including in Boulder.  I spoke to the employees in Boulder and they advised me that the machine would have been tagged and locked.  I am being accused, and was by the City Attorney, of causing Rutger's accident. I didn't cause his accident.  He planned to testify that he knows I would have paid for him to be in college and he would not have been working at Whole Foods during his freshman year.  I think people need to get used to going to college, particularly after they were home-schooled with private teachers. 
Gianelli has just written.  So, I'll respond to that now.

All the best,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
Hello Mr. Riordan,

I will send you a copy of my letter to Oliver Stone.  Phil Spector will be addressed. 


On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
Tp the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, FTB, and Mr. Riordan,

I just phoned LAPD's Threat Management Unit, read them this email, advised them that I am sending this to Oliver Stone, and left them messages re. highly relevant information.  I left the messages for Jeff Dunn.  I am not running around town to various LAPD units when I have emailed them relentlessly and everything in my matters involves celebrity Leonard Cohen and, of course, Oliver Stone and Phil Spector.  These are celebrities and this is a celebrity unit.  I clarified, in my messages, what is a lie and slander in this email, etc.  I am very clear that this relates to Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector.  I am also clear that it relates to the illegal default judgment that the IRS should review and challenge since it illegally alters my federal tax returns and the judge has NO JURSIDICTION.  I was also clear with Jeff Dunn that I wasn't SERVED the domestic violence order - or notified - and there is no domestic violence.  This is an unlawful order and the court is attempting to extort money from me.  There is fraud in the sentencing memo and the sentence itself.  Leonard Cohen's conduct annoys him and the City Attorney had a keen interest in the IRS and Phil Spector.  It was coordinated with the DA's office.  Let me reiterate:  this was and is a legal conspiracy in the truest sense of the word and I thought it was so blatant they might actually confess.  My mother doesn't think they will confess.  I have no idea why anyone would drag Oliver Stone into this but he should view this email as highly violent and dangerous.  This individual is obsessed with me and my sons and Oliver Stone.  The City Attorney was interested in Oliver Stone.  Evidently refuting slander now is an intent to amnoy.  As I just advised Jeff Dunn - I am pro per and therefore I am permitted to advise people to stop slandering me. 
However, now I'm not.  A fraudulent restraining order prevents this and prevents me from requesting the 1099.  I was clear with Jeff Dunn about this issue:  Cohen doesn't want to give me a 1099.  They don't want to take a position about what is income.  They have to.  The K-1s totally prove the ledger is fraudulent.  Leonard Cohen personally had those issued in 2004 and 2005.  As Boies Schiller said - he is going into court to prove he personally committed tax fraud.  I thin k he's done a good job.  My neighbor thinks documenting everything for the IRS, FBI, DOJ, Treasury, and Dennis Riordan - as well as the DA and City Attorney - is WISE because the issues are huge:  COHEN COMMITTED TAX FRAUD, STOLE FROM ME, AND PHIL SPECTOR WAS SET UP.  These are the taxpayers speaking and they are outraged.  They understand I had to be served and they understand that numerous courts, including the appellate division, are lying about me.  Vanderet must have reviewed the order.  Why does he think it was a civil harassment order that I requested and yet sentenced me for domestic violence?  Are the taxpayers paying for incompetence or is he corrupt and part of the set up?  I have no idea but I think the agencies copied in here should investigate.  I also let Dunn know that I've contacted the CIA.  The threat has to be viable.  If the CIA or U.S. Military will not lend me a drone then this proves Streeter is the liar I know she is who lied to LAPD about me.  As Francisco Suarez noted - it's criminal obstruction of justice.  And, the email was to the FBI showing an example of the insanity in LA Confidential.  Streeter knows this.  She just lies.  I watched her.  She just lied that Rutger, Ray, and I were estranged and I was a danger to my community.  So, Mike Conzachi wants to know 1) how I was arrested 400 miles away; 2) how the court had jurisdiction when I wasn't served; etc.  I hope he realizes Phil Spector was set up because teenagers realize this.  The way they know this is because he was wearing a white coat that Paulette gave him (very expensive haute couture) and it hardly has any blood on it.  That's how the men in New Jersey, who own guns, figured (as well as ballistics, etc.) that Phil Spector was set up.  They're gun owners. 
The FBI should speak to Oliver Stone.  He's an extremely intelligent man and I never saw him do drugs, including cocaine.  My children were NOT abused and everyone who knows me is aware of this.  Lindsey, Cohen, Kory, and Superfon conspired to create a custody matter.  Dan Scheid, who put this in writing ( and I gave that email to the IRS) has evidence that they also engaged in witness tampering.  Boies Schiller understood that they planned to have me falsely arrested - hence SWAT. 
All the best,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:

I believe you sent this email.  I will advise Oliver Stone that you have relentlessly targeted me and my sons for years.  I will also advise LAPD's TMU that I believe this is you.  Paulette Brandt and I have contacted them previously with respect to your harassment.  I have now written GMX and copied in the IRS, FBI, etc.
Kelley Lynch

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the FBI,

I am also contacting with respect to this matter and will copy you in on the email.

All the best,

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Kelley Lynch <> wrote:
To the FBI,
Here's what I have decided to do with this vile and vulgar email that is violent, threatening, and slanderous.  The individual is clearly dangerous and the obsession with my son is obvious.  I am sending a copy of this to Oliver Stone (who has been slandered) and copying in LAPD's Threat Management Unit as this relates to Leonard Cohen and Oliver Stone is a celebrity.  I will also send copies of this formal letter (and these emails from, by U.S. mail, to the IRS Commissioner's Staff, the Washington Field Office of the FBI, Treasury, and Department of Justice.  I will also mail a copy to Dennis Riordan who is Phil Spector's attorney as all of this also relates to Phil Spector.

I am convinced this is Gianelli.  He created the moniker the 14th Sheepdog and he has been (with others) relentlessly harassing and targeting me and others for years.  I will enclose evidence (the article from his blog and comments) re. the 14th Sheepdog.  I believe this helps bolster the argument that it is Gianelli. 
I think Oliver Stone should take this seriously as the individual is gravely unstable and violent and I believe LAPD's TMU should investigate this as well.  Also, the statements about murder and rape are extremely violent and meant to be threatening - as is the remark that I should commit suicide.  I didn't have Hollywood parties.  Everyone that knows me understands this.  My sons were not abused.  Everyone who knows me, including Oliver Stone, is aware of this.  Douglas Penick is copied in and he is aware of this.  Yongzin Rinpoche, and others, routinely stayed with me and they are aware of this.  Ray's father (with Cohen and Kory) coordinated a custody matter.  I will let Oliver Stone know (and already have, I might note) that Leonard Cohen and Robert Kory went into Steve Lindsey's office and told him that I had sex with Oliver Stone in an attempt to stir up a custody matter.  Then, the City Attorney of Los Angeles decided to target me over this and believes that my refuting this matter was an intent to annoy Leonard Cohen.  Oliver Stone is a very intelligent man and might find that as deranged as everyone in reality.  People also believe Oliver Stone himself was viciously slandered.  I have never seen Oliver Stone do drugs and my sons didn't snort coke off his cock. 
I will also note that people are shocked that the LA City Attorney has the nerve to target me because I contacted Bob Dylan and Paul Shaffer who are both friends and/or acquaintances of Phil Spector's - in an attempt to prove I annoyed Leonard Cohen.  How sick is that?  Leonard Cohen doesn't know these people.  I know Paul Shaffer personally.  Cohen doesn't.  Paulette Brandt also knows him.  Bob Dylan and Paul Shaffer should be concerned about this because it means people can't speak to them because the City Attorney of Los Angeles could prosecute them.  And that's precisely what happened.  Leonard Cohen's conduct annoys Leonard Cohen.  Every message is legitimate.  The government simply doesn't like extraneous information.  There were no threats.  There were lying prosecutors involved. 

In any event, these emails will be sent to Mr. Stone, LAPD's TMU, and the agencies and individuals I mentioned above.  I will also send a copy to Doug Davis at the FTB.  Please do note that both Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector are mentioned in this email and the FBI, IRS, DOJ, and FTB,  The AFT was thrown in because the individual is a lunatic.  The motion to vacate Cohen's judgment is raised as an issue also and this will be presented to the court re. the motion I'm filing to terminate the probation for a variety of reasons - including the fact that LA Superior Court and the City Attorney have exposed me to blackmail and threats and have exposed me and my family, and others (Paulette Brandt), to dangerously unstable individuals.  Gianelli has been raised in numerous legal documents.  He seems to find that amusing and therefore he is now calling Paulette Brandt a drunk although she doesn't drink.   This is his defense - slander.
There is no defense to this email.  Whoever sent this belongs in prison.
All the best,

On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Helvetia Hornwaller <> wrote:
Kelley, you are diseased scum and the essence of evil. In another time you, like all alcoholic, drug addicted witches and whores, would have been burned at the stake for your horrible crimes and insanity. The best we can hope for now is that you are raped and murdered in jail after you are sent back shortly. Or maybe you will die of a brain tumor or lung cancer. However you die, it is important that you burn in Hell for all eternity. How you ever escaped jail for abuse of your children is a mystery. Not only did you abuse them emotionally and neglect their basic material needs, nutrition, and safety, but you abused them sexually too, and allowed your depraved Hollywood friends to abuse them sexually. Really Kelley, making Rutger and Ray snort coke off the head of Oliver Stone's cock at your infamous parties. That is just beyond evil, not to mention a severe violation of Miss Manner's etiquette. Rutger and Ray still to this day cry themselves to sleep reliving the horrible abuse you dished out to them. That's why Rutger's hand is now a DISGUSTING BLOODY STUMP. He was overwrought with grief for his mentally ill, alcoholic mother, so grief stricken that he couldn't pay attention at the slicing machine and got his fingers lopped off. You like to say it was Leonard Cohen's fault but it actually was your fault, Kelley, entirely your fault. I guess that's why Rapunzel's second cousin told everyone how you wanted to be fist fucked with RUTGER'S BLOODY STUMP. Go to the stump, Kelley, go to the stump. And maybe you could coat it with LSD, for a long time your drug of choice, before he shoves it up your foul, diseased cooze and wipes off his BLOODY STUMP on your saggy, wrinkled tits. I'm sure you'll let out several howls and dozens of your infamously foul vaginal blood farts after he consummates the act. Alex The Rat and Libby The Lush would approve and so would Dorcas Dooglemeyer. Nor to mention Leonard Cohen and Phil Spector. Don't bother forwarding this email to the FBI, IRS, DOJ, ATF, FTB, LAPD, Vivienne, Dennis, Doug, Ann, Kelly, Robert, Michelle, Bruce, Anderson, or any of your other regulars. They blocked you long ago. Your emails to them go into the ether. Thank God you and your flea bitten attorney, Francisco the Fuckup Feeb, are too incompetent to file a proper legal motion. Criminal appeal denied. Writ denied. Motion to vacate the seven year old default judgment will soon be denied. Soon you will have your probation hearing and will be sent back to jail for a very long time. You could always commit suicide, Kelley. I think that would be your best option, actually. Do the world a favor, you drunken old hag.   
Your friend,
Simi The Seventeenth Shi-Tzu

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