Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Blackmail Re. My Property Stored At Lawrence's

From: Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:28 AM
Subject: Fwd:
To: "*irs. commissioner" <*IRS.Commissioner@irs.gov>, Washington Field <washington.field@ic.fbi.gov>, ASKDOJ <ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov>, "Kelly.Sopko" <Kelly.Sopko@tigta.treas.gov>, "Doug.Davis" <Doug.Davis@ftb.ca.gov>, Dennis <Dennis@riordan-horgan.com>, OIGCOMPL OIGCOMPL <oigcompl@lapd.lacity.org>, MEDIA RELATIONS PIO <pio@lapd.lacity.org>, Vivienne Swanigan <vivienne.swanigan@lacity.org>, "Lauren E. Dodge" <led@gagenmccoy.com>, Receptionist <danville@gagenmccoy.com>, rbyucaipa <rbyucaipa@yahoo.com>, Robert MacMillan <robert.macmillan@gmail.com>, moseszzz <moseszzz@mztv.com>, a <anderson.cooper@cnn.com>, wennermedia <wennermedia@gmail.com>, "Hoffman, Rand" <rand.hoffman@umusic.com>, Mick Brown <mick.brown@telegraph.co.uk>, "glenn.greenwald" <glenn.greenwald@guardiannews.com>, lrohter <lrohter@nytimes.com>, Francisco Suarez <francisco.suarez.lawoffice@gmail.com>

To the IRS and FBI,

I've let my good friend, Michael Ingrassia, know that Paulette offered to rent a car to pick up my property but the TRO prevents that.  I don't want him to be confused about my intentions and a TRO cannot prevent me from speaking with my friends, even Michael who lives with Ray Lawrence and sent me the outrageous email between Gianelli and Lawrence re. Doug Davis/FTB.  He also was reporting Gianelli to Pleasant Hill PD because he felt he was being harassed.  Many people felt that way - including Mario and Paulette.  This matter concerns Michael Ingrassia, obviously.

All the best,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelley Lynch <kelley.lynch.2010@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:25 AM
To: Michael Ingrassia <micedwing@gmail.com>, Paulette Brandt <paulettebrandt8@gmail.com>


I want you to know (but am not communicating with Lawernce) that Paulette Brandt offered to rent a car to pick up my property/evidence on July 19th.  The fraud TRO prevents that.  You were a great friend of mine and this situation is unconscionable.  In any event, I just want you to know that this was actually resolved but I am legally prevented from picking up my property/evidence.  You told me that the offer to store my property was open ended and I agree but Lawrence and I do have an agreement in writing and that should be honored.  Destroying or selling my evidence, including what is contained on my computers and hard drives, is outrageous - particularly as I am addressing these matters in various legal matters I am involved with and that now includes this fraud TRO as Lawrence accused me of embezzling from Cohen which is outrageous.  I would appreciate it if you would refrain from contacting my sons as they really should not have been dragged into any of this.  Thank you. 

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