Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kelley's Email to DOJ re. Another Fraud Domestic Violence Restraining Order Prosecuted by the Los Angeles City Attorney

From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Fwd:
To: ASKDOJ <>, "*irs. commissioner" <*>, Washington Field <>, "Kelly.Sopko" <>, "Doug.Davis" <>, Dennis <>, OIGCOMPL OIGCOMPL <>, MEDIA RELATIONS PIO <>, chaleffg <>, Vivienne Swanigan <>

Hello DOJ
Alisha's story is psychotic.  The City Attorney attempted to claim she THREATENED her because Alisa said she would sue.  That's not a threat.  That's her legal right.  She did actually file a lawsuit.  It was dismissed, of course.  They've really got themselves covered in LA Confidential.  And,the taxpayer is secretly footing the bill - including for an unknown rotten celebrity comic.  Alisha doesn't know her so what's up with the domestic violence restraining order?  How much did the City Attorney spend on this one?  By the way, this particular situation involves a connected law firm. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelley Lynch <>
Date: Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:40 AM
To: alisa spitzberg <>

Hi Alisa,

How are you?  I wanted to ask you a question.  Did the City Attorney attempt to have you pay fines or restitution for domestic violence.  I know that you do not really know Tig Notaro so your situation is very bizarre.  I am writing a letter to the LA Grand Jury.  I think you should also.  I am also addressing LA Superior Court's attempt to extort domestic violence fees fro me.  Cohen and I were never in a dating relationship.  I guess he forgot that at the bail hearing and the City Attorney had to rehabilitate the lying fraud on the witness stand.  She didn't bother to rehabilitate him re. his lies about Phil Spector (in an email to my prosecutor) or the fact that he testified at the bail hearing that I never stole from him.  It didn't work with her insane narrative. 
I hope you, your mother and sister are well.  My sons continue to be targeted by Gianell who is out of control over my motion to vacate Cohen's fraud and theft.  Aided and abetted by LA Superior Court, of course.

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